Lockable Gas Springs by Bansbach: Reliable Positioning Just When You Need It!

Need easy and convenient seat positioning? Lockable gas springs from Bansbach are the right technological solution! From pilot chairs and railway seats to café tables and forklifts - take advantage of Bansbach's expertise!
Lockable gas springs offer unique advantages such as:
- Locking in both directions for precise control
- Wide range of sizes for various applications
- Progressive action and special intermediate sizes
- Exclusive models designed for specific needs
Main Types of lockable gas springs:
- Main-Type B: Spring locking
- Main-Type K: Rigid locking in extension, relatively rigid in compression
- Main-Type P: Rigid locking in the direction of insertion, conditionally rigid in push-out
- Main-Type KX: Adjustment element with rigid locking in both push and pull directions
Interested in these solutions? Contact us! info@bibus.ua
We’ll be glad to consult with you on the full range of possibilities offered by Bansbach lockable gas springs and help find the optimal solution for your project.
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